Save the Date! - Tuesday, 6th October 2020 7.00pm to 9pm A.G.M Cranston Suite Neston Cricket Club

Dear Members and Friends

You are invited to join us at Neston Cricket Club known now as the Parkgate Clubhouse -Cranston suite on the 6th October 2020 start.

The last year has been very challenging for all of us and the Fields, for those luckily enough to have been able to visit them, have been uplifting and I am sure you will agree, highly valued.

The committee has been working really hard to look after the Fields and we have lots of important news to share and plans to discuss and your support will be much appreciated.


The the event will be carefully managed to make it as safe and enjoyable as possible. The Cranston is a large room and seating will be distanced. Numbers will be managed.

Please confirm if you can attend or not as soon as possible on or text on 07976724820.

Live Stream

Your support is important us and we are considering live streaming the event on Zoom - for those that can not attend in person. You will be able to see the presentations and have the facility to ask questions - if you can't attend in person but would be interested in attending on Zoom please let us know. We will confirm once we know the level of demand.

On behalf of the committee.. Thank you, enjoy the Fields and stay safe.

Colin Nicol Chairman Friends of Park Fields