Following the unexpected flailing of the Wood Lane hedge by the Highways department just weeks before the planned hedge laying project was due to start. The Friends of Park Field (FOPF) have met with experts from the TCV and senior members of the council’s Green Space team to consider a plan B.
By way of background. In 2011 and 2012 The FOPF undertook a project working with the TCV to gap plant the hedge between the school side entrance and the top gate. A smaller section of the Wood Lane Hedge (from the top gate end) was also gap planted and layed. This project received an award in 2012.
The Wood Lane hedge from the gate on the Sport Field to around Paddock Drive however remains generally in poor condition. Gaps are appearing. A section of the hedge adjacent to the sport field is made up entirely of Bramble which in places is dying back and if no action this is likely to continue giving direct access from the road to the field.
Recommendations from the TCV and Green Space experts are to take the following action:
TCV volunteers will plant Approximately 70 Metres of new hedge plants from the gate on the Sports field towards the direction of the Cow field - A variety of suitable plant species will be used.
This image shows approximately length of hedge that will be replanted.
This image shows parts of the brambles which is thinning
Other parts of the bramble are too thick and will need to be thinned so that planting of the new hedge can take place.
In preparation for the new hedge to be planted, the bramble will be thinned by council contractors.
Some bramble (at a reduced height) will be left on the roadside to maintain a barrier until the new hedge plants have established themselves
2. The Hedge at the bottom of the field between the Sports and Cow field that was planted as part of the initial project in 2012 has taken extremely well and it is recommended that part of this section is layed by TCV volunteers to reduce its height and increase its thickness over time.
This image shows the hedge at the bottom of the field that was planted in 2012 - this section will be layed by TCV volunteers.
3. The Wood Lane hedge line will be gap filled along its entire length with new plants where needed. This work will be carried out by TCV volunteers.
In addition as part of this project the council will commission their contractor to carry out the following work
Prepare for the planting of new hedge by reducing the thickness of the bramble whilst leaving enough to provide a barrier to the road.
Cut back verge to the hedge along the Wood Lane side of the hedge.
Reduce the height of the hedge further to open views (where possible).
On the Cow Field side the height of the blackthorn will be reduced to hedge height
The Project is expected to be completed by the End of March 2020 (weather dependant)
This community project has been funded by; Neston Town Council, CWAC Green Spaces, Friends of Park Fields and a Community appeal with valued support from the TCV volunteers.