Just few weeks ago we asked you to send your pictures of the field to us so we could display them on our web site. The response has been amazing - Thank you !!
The images are fantastic. We have sorted them into Flora and Fauna, Lock down memories, Sun Sets & Views, People & animals ! - please see the new Gallery section on our web site.
There are also some great Drone videos (@Jack Morrison) also in the Gallery - so why not take a look! . www.friendsofparkfields.org
In order to share pictures of life on the Field we have launched a Instagram Account #friendsofparkfields - Please take a look and follow!
Don't worry if you don't have Instagram everything we post will automatically appear on the web site under our Instagram page.
Please continue to send us your photos don't forget to include a title to explain the picture. The best ones will appear on our instagram and web site ! Please email them to info@friendsofparkfields.org
Stay Safe and enjoy the Fields
